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Educational Material


Many dental procedures are Not For the Casual Operator. This short piece cautions general practitioners to be cautious when undertaking procedures normal done by a specialist (in any area of practice) unless that have taken considerable post-graduate training in that field.

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The Role of the Veterinary Technician in the Delivery of Dental Care

The College of Veterinarians of Ontario and the American Veterinary Dental College have guidelines regarding what procedures veterinary technicians should and should not be doing. This article emphasizes the many ways in which a properly trained technician can be a valuable part of the dental care team.

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Why Antimicrobials are of such limited use

Antibiotics and antiseptics are often used in an attempt to manage periodontal disease but they simply do not work. This paper explains why. Unfortunately, some of the links in this paper may have gone stale, but you will still get the idea.

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Antibiotics in Veterinary Dentistry

In my opinion, antibiotics are often worse than useless in the management of dental and oral disease. In the same vein, culture and sensitivity are almost never going to yield clinically useful information.

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Dental Truths

The other side of the dental mythology coin, this piece outlines some things that are very well known to veterinary dentists, but may not be common knowledge among general practitioners and pet owners.

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Mythological Creatures

There is no such thing as a "routine dental prophy" and "tooth root abscesses" are as rare as hen's teeth.

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Dental Mythology

From some of the questions I get, it is apparent that there are still a number of misconceptions about dental issues. This article should help dispel some of these myths.

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Team Work

Providing optimum client and patient care is a team-efforts. This is a guide for the referring veterinarian regarding what you can to do for me and what I will do for you so that we can both do the best for your patients and their owners.

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Phone Estimates

A brief explanation of why any relationship between a phone estimate and the actual invoice is purely coincidental.

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CVO Statement

The College of Veterinarians of Ontario is the licensing and regulating body for veterinarians in the province of Ontario. Canada. In the fall of 2008 they published a Position Statement on Veterinary Dentistry and this paper examines some of the highlights.

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Accepting New Referrals

Hale Veterinary Clinic is accepting new referrals! If you are a veterinarian looking to refer a patient, please fill out our referral form. If you are a client whose pet has already been referred to us, learn more about what to expect at your pet's appointment.

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